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Version: 1.0

Create a New Project

Creating a project is easy and you'll be ready to go in no time.

Two ways to create a new project

From Dashboard

Dashboard -> Quick Start -> New project button -> Fill in modal


From Editor

Editor -> Project menu (middle of Header) -> Manage projects -> Project list page -> New project button -> Fill in modal


Project creation modal

The last step of creating a new project is to fill in the initial information of the project. You will see the following modal form:

  1. Project Name is where you can write the name of your project that'll be used in Re:Earth. (Only project name is mandatory)
  2. Description is where you can write details of your project. When the number of projects is large this is helpful to discern similar projects.
  3. Thumbnail image will be used inside Re:Earth as the main visual image of your project.
  4. After completing the steps above 👆, click the Create button.

The above project settings will only be displayed inside Re:Earth. When publishing the project, we can specifically set the project information for OGP and publishing. For more information about the public settings, please check here.