
Google Cloud Platform + Mongo Atlas

1. Set up Mongo Atlas

Visit and signup Mongo Atlas, and then create your cluster and database.

Remember to check the connection string of your database such as mongodb+srv://hogehoge.

2. Set up a Cloud Storage bucket

Assume that gcloud gsutil docker command is already installed, gcloud command is logged in with your Google account, and your GCP project is already initialized.

gsutil mb gs://reearth-bucket-example

2. Deploy Re:Earth at Cloud Run

docker pull reearth/reearth
docker tag reearth/reearth us-docker.pkg.dev/my-project/my-repository/reearth
docker push us-docker.pkg.dev/my-project/my-repository/reearth
gcloud run deploy reearth \
--allow-unauthenticated \
--image=us-docker.pkg.dev/my-project/my-repository/reearth \
--set-env-vars REEARTH_DB=mongodb+srv://hogehoge \
--set-env-vars REEARTH_GCP_BUCKET=reearth-bucket-example

ReEarth allows various settings to be made through environment variables. See How to configure Re:Earth for more information.