Atmospheric Conditions
what are Atmospheric Conditions?
the atmospheric conditions that comprise the state of the atmosphere in terms of temperature and wind and clouds and precipitation
Physical conditions in the atmosphere. Includes spatial data based on measurements, models, or a combination thereof and measurement locations. Weather conditions and their measurements; precipitation, temperature, evapotranspiration, wind speed, and direction.
Here you can customize settings related to the atmosphere :
Toggles between showing and hiding the sun in space.
Toggle on / with Sun
Toggle off / No Sun
Toggles between reflecting and not reflecting sunlight on the Digital Earth. This makes it possible to represent day and night by region.
Toggle on / with Lighting
Toggle off / No Lighting
Ground atmosphere
Toggles between showing and hiding the atmosphere on the Digital Earth surface.
Toggle on / showing the atmosphere
Toggle off / hiding the atmosphere
Sky atmosphere
Toggles between showing and hiding the atmosphere aura above the Digital Earth
Toggle on / showing the atmosphere aura
Toggle off / hiding the atmosphere aura
Display shadows on the Earth Shadows for each layers should be also enabled to see them.
Toggles the fog on and off .
Toggle on / showing the fog
Toggle off / hiding the fog
Fog density
Set a thickness to the fog . Min: 0 / Max : 1
Sets the fog density.
Fog Brightness
Set brightness of the fog. Min: -1 / Max : 1
Set the brightness of the fog .
Fog Hue
Set hue of the fog . Min: -1 / Max : 1
Sets the color of the fog
Fog Saturation
Set saturation of the fog . Min: -1 / Max : 1
Sets the saturation of the fog.