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How to configure Re:Earth

You can configure for Re:Earth in two ways. One is to place a .env file in the Re:Earth working directory. The other is to set environment variables directly.

If you change the configuration while Re:Earth is running, you will need to restart it to reload the configuration.

Re:Earth is flexible and can be combined with several configurations. Below are the main configuration options:

  • Database (MongoDB): Select either
    • MongoDB running on your local host (default)
    • Mongo Atlas
  • Mode: Select either
    • Integrated mode (default) - A front-end web application is delivered directly from the back-end application. It is easy to set up and suitable for local PCs or small environments.
    • Isolated mode - Deliver the back-end and front-end from different environments. For example, the back-end can be run on Google Cloud Run while the front-end is delivered from Google Cloud Storage.
  • Auth server: Select one of the following
    • Built-in (default) - No additional configuration is required, but it can be used for development purposes only. Also it does not have a UI to manage accounts.
    • Auth0 - One of IDaaS supporting OpenID Connect. Recommended for production environment.
    • Other OpenID provider and IDaaS - Recommended for production environment.

Database (MongoDB)

REEARTH_DB accepts the connection string of MongoDB. The default value is mongodb://localhost.

MongoDB running on your local host

No configuration is required, but if you want to change the port,


MongoDB Atlas

First, check the connection string of your database such as mongodb+srv://hogehoge in the Mongo Atlas admin page.



Integrated mode

No configuration is required.

Isolated mode

Specify REEARTH_HOST_WEB as the URL where the front-end application is deployed.

If you are at your local PC, a typical setup might look like this:


Auth server


No configuration is required.


Refer to this article to set up Auth0. Then, collect your Auth0 tenant settings such as domain, audience, client ID, etc.
  • REEARTH_AUTH0_CLIENTID: Required to update an account profile from the screen in Re:Earth. It should be ID of a machine-to-machine application.
  • REEARTH_AUTH0_CLIENTSECRET: Required to update an account profile from the screen in Re:Earth. It should be secret of a machine-to-machine application.
  • REEARTH_AUTH0_WEBCLIENTID: Required in integrated mode. It should be ID of a single page application.
  • REEARTH_AUTHSRV_DISABLED: Disable the uilt-in auth server if any value is set.

Other OpenID provider and IDaaS

Before configuring Re:Earth, you may need to configure the OpenID provider you are using. Then, set up environment variables as follows:

  • REEARTH_AUTH_ISS is the JWT issuer URL specified in the iss field of JWTs issued by the ID provider.
  • REEARTH_AUTH_AUD is the allowed audience included in the aud field of JWTs issued by the ID provider. If not specified, any audience is allowed. If you want to allow multiple audiences, refer to the configuration documentation.
  • REEARTH_AUTHSRV_DISABLED: Disable the uilt-in auth server if any value is set.

Other configuration options

Refer to the configuration documentation.